Designer-curators: Megan Baker, Becky Minto, Emma Renhard, Karen Tennent
Partner venue and higher education institution: Edinburgh College of Art
Costume donations: Vicki Brown – Tron Theatre, Julie Carlin – Pitlochry Festival Theatre, Catherine Wheels Theatre Company, Cate Mackie – Dundee Rep, Julia Perry-Mook – Stephen Joseph Theatre, Stephanie Thorburn – National Theatre of Scotland, Caitlin Wiedenhof – Lyceum Theatre Costume Department, York Theatre Royal Costume Hire Department
Photography and film: Brian Hartley
Visual transcriber: Kenneth MacLeod
Performers: Ian Cameron, Aga Ciesla, Clive Clarke, Christine Devaney/Curious Seed, Hannah Draper, Thomas Gotz, Matthew Hawkins, Sean Hay, Merav Israel, Skye Reynolds, Amy Robertson, Michael Sherrin , Sky Su
Musicians: Greg Sinclair and Rose Dagul
Participants: Ellie Anderson, Lydia Artimati, Alice Bateman, Jennifer Bedlington, Kim Bergsagel, Willow Bowkett, Alison Brown, Ciara Burns , Yvonne Buskie, Lizzie Bye, Catherine Christie, Lorna Connolly, Eleanor Ellis, Holly Firkins, Kyriaki Forti, Charlotte Foster, Yarrow Frost , Myette Godwyn, Anna Gradetchlieva, Faye Grant, Claire Halleran, Sadie Hemming, Ava Hewitt, Caitlin Hutton , Mona Kastell, Paraskevi Kourmpeti, Lovisa Litsgard, Iona Lynch, Cara MacDonald, Morven McLeod, Ruby Mossford, Emilie Norris, Izzy O Leary, Venia Poulia, April Pressley, Valerie Reid, Shona Reppe, Molly Richardson, Maike Venzlaff Ruiz, Debbie Russell, Owen Scullion, Jeanette Sendler, Aileen Sherry, Holly Smith , Mattias Stahm, Biz Sutton, Madeleine Swinney, Sara Szalai, Ellie Thompson, Anna Trevithick, Sophie Turner, Annette Wiger